
J. F. Willumsen

Ca. 1907-12


Ét af Willumsens keramiske værker er ødelagt i forbindelse med en udstilling i Galerie Eduard Schulte og Willumsen mener, at Schulte bør betale for skaden. Derudover forstår Willumsen ikke, hvorfor han skal betale en told på 40 Mark til Tyskland, eftersom han ikke har solgt værker til folk bosiddende der.


J. F. Willumsen

Mr Eduard Schulte
Berlin NW7 Unter den Linden 75

Dear Sir.
At my exposition last year at your house, I had a plaster group under number of "79 "Man and woman, 1898, model for ceramique - 975 Mark -"
From you my exhibition went to Hulbe in Hamborg. When the caisse was opened, it showed the plaster groupe broken to pieces. We then discovered, that it had not been broken on the voyage, but before it had been put into the case caisse.
1   It showed in this way, that the case was not long enough for the lenght of the plaster groupe when unbrokened.
2   the heads, hands and other parts were enveloped in paper. 3   Whole parts as feets and one half of the womans head totally missing.
On that account it was not

exhibited with Hulbe. The caise was again closed as it came from you, and first in these day's, I have had it opened and tried to restore the groupe. It was an impossible work, as it was smashed into 100 or 200 pieces. And still to, the missing parts have to be remodeled., I really think, that you ought to repay me my loss, as my groupe is ruined.

Beside that there was on the account á charge to pay of 40 Marks; you did write to pay me, that you had payed some of that amount to the german coustum house. I do not understand that, as there was not sold any-thing that remained in Germany.
I hope to here some from you.
Yours very truly
J F. Willumsen




Håndskriften er Edith Willumsens i størstedelen af brevet.

Hellerup (Danmark)
Berlin (Tyskland)
Georg Hulbe

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/II/1 - Salgsprotokoller, Udstillinger 1893-1929