J. F. Willumsen
Jens Ferdinand Willumsen
Kineton Parkes
Willumsen meddeler Kineton Parkes, at han ikke ejer fotografiske reproduktioner af sine egne værker. Han henviser Parkes til J. Chr. T. Levinsen.
21 maj 1922
I have your letter of 20 may 1922, and I thank you for your good opinion of my works and for your kind words.
But I am very sorry to tell you, that I have not a single photograph in my possession. Nor have I any biographical dates, I have not my self got the Öhmans book, Beneath the reproductions you will find the dates. Mr. Levinsen Amagertorv 14 Copenhagen, are in possession of the photographs who has been used for the book and he will probably be able to lent you those you are in want need of.
Write to him please
very truly
that you will stand in need of