
J. F. Willumsen


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Stockholm den 8 juni 1912

Dear Mr. Willumsen.
I did not have the chance to tell you on the last cart how really much I admired your picture at Thiels' gallery and how sincerely I wish to have it for our exhibition in America. Mr. Thiel is still away but returns Monday or Tuesday and I am sure if you wrote him a nice letter about the exhibition and mentioned how much I liked your picture and enjoyed seeing his collection

he might let me have it.
I am going there again on Tuesday so if you write soon he might let me [ulæseligt] there.
It was a very great pleasure to meet Mrs. Willumsen and yourself, and I look forward with great interest to seeing you at my return to København.
With best regards, Believe me
Cordially yours
Christian Brinton

Mentioned works

J.F. Willumsen: Sol over Sydens Bjerge (1902)
Olie på lærred, 207 x 207 cm.
Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, Inv. 394




Stockholm (Sverige)
Ernest Thiel
Edith Willumsen

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: A/I/2 - B