
J. F. Willumsen



Howard Gould

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New York, March 21. 1901.
Howard Gould, Esq.,
195 Broadway.

Dear sir: -
I have just received your letter of March 20th, and thank you for the same.
My wish to see you was in order to make some inquiries about your expedition to the Tropics.
I understand that this expedition has as its artistic purpose the taking of photographs from nature – and would like to know whether it will be possible for me to accompagny you. Being an artist it is my desire to have an opportunity of studying nature in the Tropics – of making sketches in water color and oil; and of making a collection of dried flowers, which could be used in decorating specially porcelain. I have been until this year, art director of the Copenhagen Porcelain Factory – whose work at Paris you no doubt saw.
It would be a benefit to me to study a Nature so rich in color, and so different in form and beauty from ours of the North – and I feel sure that I could make myself of service to you.
Will you not kindly consider my request – and

let me know under what conditions it would be possible for me to join your expedition?
I enclose with this some papers which will give you some information about myself - and will only add that my age is thirty-eight years – and repeat what I think I wrote before that Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, of 23 Wall Street, and Mr. Weimann the Danish Consul to the United States, will answer any questions in regard to me.
Yours truly,


Letter draft


New York (USA)
New York (USA)

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: B/II/2 - Personlige anliggender, tyveri mm.