
J. F. Willumsen



Henry D. Roberts

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March 14th 1912.
Henry D. Roberts
Fine Art Galleries

Dear Mr. Roberts
Received your letter of the 9th instant.
We have not forgot Mrs Melchiors Krøyer and I have written to her husband; unfortunately she has changed her mind about sending the picture, she says it is too much risk dangerous for the fine art now in England.
beside you have forgot to tell me that you have promised her to invite two ladys artist, her friends at the same time. It is all too late now. We have got two large and three small Krøyers.
The Porcelain factorys are separate and each will send about 30-50 pieces, there should be exposed separated in two show cases.
About the general permission of photografing the pictures we shall try to find out, who of the artists there not can give their permission.
Mr. Cato the printer of posters are willing to let you have 750 copies each for 34 Øre -
Mr. Andersen are going to make a sketch of the lettering, it will be send to you -
Please write directly to these two Gentlemen. [Y]es you have met Mr Been at Mr Dorphs. I have not yet seen the introduction written.
The exhibits are leaving to day.
I am glad to know that the Queen Alexandra now is the patronesse of our exhibition.

[J]ust now received your letter of the 12th
Mr Kragh the painter and sculptur, my friend, who you have been acquainted with here in København is to day requested to be the representative of the danish artists and go to Brighton to arrange the exhibition.
I have no more time my self to work for the exhibition, and what I have done has delayed my own work production in a very high degree. Else I had looked forward to my visit to Brighton with great delight.
Please write directly to Mr Kragh - - - about his leaving from here.
In the case from Mr Willie Wulff should be two bronces and the same should be in a case from Mr Jarl, both from Paris.
Our Secretair Mr. Jastrau will write you further about other details concerning the exhibition. I take a little rest now.
Yours faithfully
J. F. Willumsen


Letter draft


Brighton (England)

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/II/4 - Den danske udstilling i Brighton