
J. F. Willumsen


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December 20 - 1912 -

My dear Friends: -
Well the Scandinavian Exhibition, of which we have heard so much, is open and is a great success. Some of the papers have not been favourable, but the attendance is very good, and the whole town is talking about the affair. Mr Willumsen's pictures have made a sensation, as I knew they would, and we have had people interested in Youth and Sunshine and the two

pictures of Sevillia but they are not sold yet. Still, I hope and believe that these three will go before the exhibition closes, and I am doing my very best to help matters along.
The Swedish Section is considered good but also fashional, the Norwegian too radical and the Danish about right. I think the public expected a stranger and more sensational and more typically Scandinavian display at the whole, but things are all right, as they are, and I am [ulæseligt] grateful to you for giving us such a really

splendid group of pictures. [Ulæselig sætning]
I hope you have received my catalogue and the [ulæseligt] article and like what I have said. I am making all the propaganda I can for you both in my writings and lectures.
I often think of you, and regard you as my very best friends in all Scandinavia.
You were very kind to me, and I shall do everything I can for you and your art. With best care and greetings, I am yours faithfully – Christian Brinton




J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: A/I/2 - B