
J. F. Willumsen



Martin Birnbaum

Document content

Awaiting summary


30 Sept 1912
My dear Mr Birnbaum.
Received your telegram of 29 Sept
from this I learn that you want me to send the Greco and Goya pictures over to New York.
This is not to easy to do for some reasons. You must give me some more explanations; and you will understand that one can not send away so valuable pictures without some surety. With this I mean, that the money – 43000 Dollars – must first be deposited in an english bank, which has connections with "den danske Landmandsbank" in Copenhagen.
Besides the rich american collectors always have agents or counsellors in Europe, who easely can make this little trip to Copenhagen to look at the pictures.
Yours faithfully
J. F W.

Mentioned works

  • El Greco: Hyrdernes tilbedelse (ca. 1568-1569)
    Tempera på træ, 63 x 76 cm.
    J.F. Willumsen Museum, G.S. 345

  • Evt.: Goya: Hoved af en mand (udat.)
    Oliefarve på træ, 14.3 x 12.4 cm.
    J.F. Willumsens Museum, G.S. 48


Letter draft


New York (USA)
El Greco
Francisco Goya

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/III/6 - GrecoBogen