
J. F. Willumsen


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Awaiting summary


Mr. Brinton*       *24 Okt 1912

Dear friend -
as we will call you and as we feel you are[.] Thank you for your letter of 7' Oktober as this always your letters and yourself are encouraging and able to spirit up my husband.
He begs me to tell you of the good influenze your visit this summer had on him. He was tired and low spirited from always fighting for his art in our small and little art loving country - - Mr. Dorph once called him in an article "The lonely eagle" he felled so dreadful lonely with his art here, where nobody really loves his art. When it gets high I do believe they admires him (in distance) but very seldom they loves him enough to buy him
Then you came and cheered him up immensely, by telling him how fine you thought his art was, and you would work and fight for him in America.

All artists need encouragement to produce good art and to go on, at least Mr W does –
On account of you he has this summer created two real good works, hig[h]spirited works – as I know and feel they are some of his very best creations. He calls the one "The painter and his family" of splendid coulours.
The other is a new mountaingirl.
He asked the Hagemanns collection to lend theirs to him, but as it now is the young students themselves who were to decide the question, they said, No, they would never let her leave their wall –
Then as you wanted her so very much. He decided to paint her again, the same but far better in expression and in coulours.
Thiel also would not spare with his picture as he looked at it every day.
But thanks to these new pictures and the others too, his collection is good and more than that, as you will see for your self[.]

You may believe that we are very anxious to read your articles and we trust you will send them to us as soon as they appear –
Thanks for the newpaper you did sent us to day -, it made us better know the details about you, than we did before. You certainly are rather an interesting sort of man I must say, that you are very keen and exceedingly by observating, over the smallest details, as I saw the very first day you were here.
I shall now go through the papercuts and send those I think might help you –
Mr Willumsen is very tired from these works. He sends you lots of greetings – and good wishes for yourself
The pictures are going to be photographed one of these first day's before being send off -

Mentioned works

  • J.F. Willumsen: Sol over Sydens Bjerge (1902)
    Olie på lærred, 207 x 207 cm.
    Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, Inv. 394

  • J.F. Willumsen: Maleren og hans familie (1912)
    Olie på lærred, 229.5 x 242.5 cm.
    J.F. Willumsens Museum, Acc 2291 (NM 2662)

  • J.F. Willumsen: En bjergbestigerske (1904)
    Olie på lærred, 206 x 169 cm.
    G.A. Hagemanns Kollegium

  • J.F. Willumsen: En bjergbestigerske (1912)
    Olie på lærred, 210 x 170.5 cm.
    Statens Museum for Kunst, inv. nr. KMS3413


Letter draft


J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: A/I/2 - B