
J. F. Willumsen



Henry D. Roberts

Document content

Awaiting summary


6 march 1912

Dear Mr. Roberts
I have been very, very busy the last days collecting the exhibits which are going to form the exhibition.
It seems to me as well as to the others, that we have got a good and thoroughly representation of the best artists. It has been very difficult to get them, as the museums are not allowed to lend, and the private owners are tired of never having their best pictures at home.
All the same, the exhibition will contain about 80 artistes with about 130 pictures, 40 pieces of sculpture, 35 graphic art and designs, and about 70 pieces of porcelain.
When the lists are ready from the secretaire he will send them[e] directly to you, that will be in a few days.
Between the pictures you will get (if the permission of the king Georg wil be given) the two coronation pictures by Prof Tuxen. The two Speathead Reviews by Mr. Arnesen. Between the sculptures at statuette of the danish crownprince Christian on horseback by Mr Bonnesen, a statuette of the crownprince Olaf of Norway on horseback by Mr Wederkinch Madsen. A marbelbust of the late king Christian of Denmark by Mr. Brandstrup, and two big busts in royal Porcelain of the king Fr. VIII and queen of Denmark.
Then there will be fine pictures of Krøyer, Hammershøj, Jul Poulsen, Skovgaard Dorph, Zartmann, Ancher, e.t.c.

Now I shall try to get some photographs for the catalogue or at least the artists permission that you can have the exhibits photographed in Brighton.
General permission from the artist that X   X general permission from all the artists, that their pictures could be reproduced in the Newspapers can not be given, the papers have to ask the artist him self in every special case.
Our best designer of posters Mr Vald Andersen is allready working on a poster for the exhibition, the sketch will be send you to be approved (please return it), but he wants, and I hope that you have no objection, to to work out the design on the stones here, which is his only way of making lithographs. You will see on an accompanying paper, what the price of printing will be, please let me know the number of prints you want.
Can the poster be use[d] all over in the city?
A special cover for the catalogue will not be necessary.
An experienced and esteemed art reviewer Mr. Been will make a short article for an Introduction to the catalogue.
We are engaged to the Danish artists to have a representative send over to hang the exhibition; I understand very well that you are as well experienced in doing that work your self, but we can not do otherwise.
The representative will arange the exhibition on a plan   this man will bring with him a plan of hanging and aranging the exhibition, worked out of the comitee,,
There does not exist any pictures of the king and queen worthy to be send to the exhibition, instead you will reciveeive the two royal porcelains busts already mentioned.
The Mrs Ortmann busts of General Bouth and the Skagenfisker, have2 I1 seen3, they were beneath the level of that good art we are sending, besides

they we of overnatural size and had a weight of several tons.
Miss Pauline Thomsen will have a picture of a churchyard included in the collection.
The sending can not go off from here before the 14th of march. As you have coal strike now, I therefore guess it will be of no importance.
I have received your letters of the 15th and 26th of february and the comitee thanks for the paper with your lecture at the library and are glad to hear of the good impression you have got of our town.
yours faithfully

Just now I got the sketch for the poster, it represents a danish mermaid, it seems to me that it can be very good, (please return it to me)