
J. F. Willumsen



Eduard Schulte jr.

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Awaiting summary


22 Okt 1906.
Hr. Kunsthandler Schulte
I have truly received your letter of 19 Okt 1906.
The pictures will be send off with grande vittesses · and you will have my self in your expositions rooms on Monday the 29 Okt. ready for the arrangements of my things.
I am afraid that the two rooms are a little too small for my collection but we will talk about that.
The number of the things will be about 150, as I do not know exactly, howmany there are sold in Göteborg.
On account of the high procent you are going to take, I am forced to rise the prices with 10%.
Enclosed are also some biographical noties i danisch print, which I will hope some one can translate for you. Otherwise it will be á too much work for me to

write it down. Mrs Leistikow the painters wife, is dänisch and will perhaps do us the kindness to give you some notes from the prints.
Yours very faithfully


Letter draft


Berlin (Tyskland)

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/II/1 - Salgsprotokoller, Udstillinger 1893-1929