
J. F. Willumsen

Ca. 1912-03-10


Henry D. Roberts


Willumsen vil ikke medtage Lili-Ann Ortmanns buster, da han mener, de er langt under standarden for god kunst. Det er endnu ikke bestemt, hvem der skal rejse til Brighton i forbindelse med udstillingsophængningen derovre.


Received your letter of March 5th
Mrs Ortmanns busts have no art at all, and we can not include them in our collection, even if Mrs Ortmann pays the cost.
It is not a matter of money only.
The committee wants to keep a high standart of the danish art.
Not to pass the height of c 50 cm for sculptur is fixed by the danish committee, and that must be alike for everybody.
Who there is to be send to hang (not to assist) the exhibition has not yet been decided.
The other questions I have answered in my letter of -




Lili-Ann Ortmann

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/II/4 - Den danske udstilling i Brighton