
J. F. Willumsen



H. G. Spearing

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Awaiting summary


30 March 1915
Dear Mr Spearing.
I was very glad to receive your letter of 12 March and to know that your are well.
I thank you for the two fotographs from Candia which reminds me of the happy days in Candia and Athen last fall. I did send a recommended letter to Mr Hasluck. British School. Athen – about byzantine matters

but I never got any answer.
As to Prof della Seta's Religione et arte figurata I have had no occation to seet it – But perhaps I can get hold of it on the Kontinent.
As you know Byzantine art does interest me very much. And as you offer to send me some pictures from Ravenna. I should be very glad indeed. But as I do not know them there for the present there is not any- special I want.

When the war was declared I was in Schwitzerland to paint as I could not get back through Germany I went back Genua Marseille Paris -, London Edingbourg Gothenbourg and Copenhagen it was a long way – it lasted about a month –
I did stay only a day in London, which I passed in the basement of the home office to get permission to leave the country.
Else I should have liked to call on you –
My sympathy is on the english and french side totally – I do hate the

germans, and the most of the danish people feel the same – We do hope with all heart that the prussian militarions must be killed for everfaa sit Dødestød that we at least for many coming years must get peace in Europe
As to your wish I herewith send you some newspapers. I think we do have as good news from all sides as are to be gotten.
Hoping to meet you again
I am with kind remembrance
yours very truly


Letter draft


London (England)

J.F. Willumsens Museum
Arkivkasse: C/III/6 - GrecoBogen